Voting Tool For Scorum
This site uses your private keys only to broadcast the transaction to the scorum blockchain. In NO WAY it stores your private keys or transmits it elsewhere except the Scorum platform. The whole website is hosted on GitHub which is an open source platform and you can check the codes of this website to make sure that your keys are never misused. To view the codes of this site click the button below.
View Site on GitHub
My bot

Post Link :

WIF Key :

Username :

Vote Percentage (1-100%) :

Note: This code doesn't store your key in any way. The code run locally on your PC and interacts with the Scorum blockahin and the key is used only for signing the transactions.
If you are unsure of how to use this tool than see the Readme guide available on the Github here: https://github.com/rougebot95/Scorum-Voting-Bot

How to use:
1. In the "Post Link" Field enter the post URL that you want to upvote/downvote.
2. In the "WIF Key" Field enter the private key of your account.
3. In the "Username" Field enter the username of your Scorum Account.
4. In the "Vote Percentage" Field enter the value between 1 to 100, 1 means 1% upvote & 100 means 100% upvote.
5. Use negative sign '-' infront of Vote Percentage to downvote a post. For example, -1 means 1% downvote & -100 means 100% downvote.
Visitor's Count